.. _quickstart: Quickstart ========== For this example to work you should have your redis instance up and running. producer.py ----------- This code puts new task in the queue. We will have a dictionary as the information in this example. :: from retask import Task from retask import Queue queue = Queue('example') info1 = {'user':'kushal', 'url':'http://kushaldas.in'} info2 = {'user':'fedora planet', 'url':'http://planet.fedoraproject.org'} task1 = Task(info1) task2 = Task(info2) queue.connect() queue.enqueue(task1) queue.enqueue(task2) consumer.py ----------- This code gets the tasks from the queue. Based on the actual requirement, the client will work on the information it received as the task. For now we will just print the data. :: from retask import Task from retask import Queue queue = Queue('example') queue.connect() while queue.length != 0: task = queue.dequeue() if task: print(task.data)